Cloud Migration

Migrating mission-critical applications, workloads and data to the cloud is crucial for continued business success, yet cloud migrations are complex endeavors and it’s important to have a seasoned sparring partner.

QloudX is an AWS Advanced Consulting Partner with recognized migration capabilities and various migration experiences across continents.

Reach out and move to the cloud with confidence.

    We help you with everything from assessments to migrations and application modernization, and we understand that your business is unique and requires an equally unique strategy.

    Beyond unlocking the inherent cloud benefits, as are detailed below, we will help you look beyond the initial migration project. This may include cloud-native development, application modernization, DevOps expertise, and/or AI-ML to unlock new insight and move to the next level.

    However, a cloud migration requires careful analysis, planning, and execution to ensure that your cloud solution is meeting requirements and deriving maximum value. To achieve this, we work with all of the major cloud providers, and particularly AWS, to provide the required expertise and support your digital transformation journey.

    Why Migrate to the Cloud?

    The cloud has clear advantages for organizations of all sizes. Especially for companies that want to embark on a digital transformation journey, the cloud will accelerate innovation and development of applications, while dramatically reducing operating costs and time to market.


    Scale up and down as needed to meet demand without worrying about performance and cost

    Flexibility &
    Easy Integration

    Smoothen the process of integrating with any third-party software as desired

    Pay As You Go Pricing

    Use only the resources you need and pay monthly to reduce your CAPEX almost entirely


    Use the best of breed security solutions to protect yourself and your users


    Achieve better metrics and information for data-driven decisions

    Future Proof

    Enable cloud native development and reduce your dependency on third-parties

    Disaster Recovery

    Available & resilient backups of mission-critical applications and functions

     A Global Network

    Leverage a continuously expanding low-latency private global network infrastructure

    Recap: On-Premise vs Cloud

    Let’s take a step back and look at some of the the high-level key differences between on-premise and the Cloud:

    On-Premise Cloud
    Total Cost of Ownership
    • Expensive capital cost, requiring upfront investments
    • Costly to maintain and keep up to date
    • Lower energy and resource cost without any hardware costs
    • Capex free, pay monthly
    • Less management required
    • Difficult - requires planned hardware purchases
    • Easy to scale up and down based on demand
    Disaster Recovery
    • DR is costly (double investment), difficult to manage and geographically limited
    • Affordable Disaster Recovery as a service, access to global network
    • Latency for users in regions/locations far from the on-premise server location may be high
    • Can leverage cloud providers' global networks to deliver applications and reduce latency
    Future Proof
    • Limited future readiness and requires constant planning and attention
    • Cloud providers are pushing towards the future, easy to consume new services & technologies
    Speed (TTM)
    • Slow to provision resources. Overall slower than cloud, especially when building applications
    • Very fast, easy to spin up and create services in minutes and hours

    Why QloudX for your Cloud Migration?  

    We are...

    Hands - Round


    We work closely alongside your teams to support and develop capability, and our seasoned partners remain in close contact throughout. Our hands-on approach allows us to move more rapidly and provide unique value offerings.



    We have a solid track record of successful cloud migrations for both smaller businesses and global enterprises. We have migrated everything from databases to global applications, and we are always ready for a new challenge.

    Head Brain

    Cloud Natives

    QloudX is born in the cloud and we have since day 1 helped our clients evolve legacy technology and practices to help them improve agility and maximize value.

    How to Migrate to the Cloud?  

    There are several ways to successfully migrate to the cloud and no specific way of doing it. The preferred method and the overall effort required depends highly on the application that you want to migrate and your requirements. Yet, when considering your strategy, it is important to remember that it is not just about migrating to the cloud, but also what you do when you get there.

    Rehosting/Lift & Shift

    Taking the application from the on-premise datacenter and migrating it into the cloud without making any changes. Often the preferred starting point for large-scale migrations.


    Similar to the lift & shift, but some optimization is made to the application, operating system, APIs, etc. during the migration to take immediate advantage of the cloud benefits.


    Completely re-engineering your application from scratch to make it fully cloud-native. A lenghtier migration, but it is particularly useful for custom-built applications.


    Specific to VMware, you can migrate applications virtualized on vSphere to the cloud in just days, essentially creating a virtual copy of your datacenter in the cloud to maintain consistent operations.


    Moving to a new version of your software or purchasing an entirely new solution, for example to achieve a new software licensing model providing more flexibility to meet your needs.


    Some applications may require a too much refactoring  to be ready to migrate, or perhaps latency requirements and compliance or regulatory constraints make them best kept on-premises.


    As you migrate to the cloud, you may find that some applications are not needed anymore, or that some critical functions can be embedded in more effectively with your migrated application.

    Leveraging the Hybrid Cloud  

    Software can be made available in the cloud through three cloud deployment models, which determine who can access the data and in which ways. Each model has its advantages and disadvantages in relation to performance, cost-effectiveness, security practices, and reliability. Based on your use-cases and needs, we will find the best fit, but most often the preferred model is the hybrid cloud.

    Public Cloud

    Making digital assets publicly available, either for free or through subscription model (think SaaS, PaaS, etc.).

    Private Cloud

    Serving a single entity and requiring authorized access for users. Also referred to as the “corporate cloud”.

    Hybrid Cloud

    A mixture of on-premise, public, and private cloud. Allows you to move incrementally towards cloud nativity at your own pace.

    Our approach to migrating applications to the hybrid cloud is typically based on the following steps:

    Cloud Database

    Provisioning and porting the application from the data center/on-premise servers to the public cloud. More infrastructure focused.

    Security Cloud

    Stabilizing and optimizing resources by gaining visibility and actively monitoring existing resources to make small tweaks in the application.


    Replacing application building blocks with custom servers or cloud core services, so the application starts realizing the benefits of the cloud.


    Adopting the latest application architecture trends (such as containers, microservices, or data architecture solutions) to modernize the application without large rewrite investments.

    How We Help

    An Example
    • Lift and Shift applications (e.g. Regional and local applications, Citrix, custom applications, etc.) to AWS.
    • Optimize on-premise and cloud data strategy and data architecture.
    • Enhance applications with Cloud benefits including High Availability, Resiliency and scalability.
    • Replatform/rearchitect applications to purpose fit in the cloud.
    • Convert legacy applications to containerized applications or serverless applications or both.
    • Build smart cloud native business applications around core applications (which can be on-premise or in the cloud).
    • Leverage cloud services and technological advancements, alongside next-gen managed services which will dramatically reduce the maintenance overhead.

    Migrating with QloudX & AWS  

    QloudX is an AWS Advanced Consulting Partner working closely with AWS to help de-risk larger migrations, while streamlining cloud adoption with AWS services and best practices. Our approach includes assessing current workloads, estimating the monetary benefits of adopting AWS, building AWS competency, and gaining experience through migrating pilot workloads. 


    Your Readiness

    We perform a discovery, recommended migration strategy and conceptual architecture, and deliver an initial AWS cost estimate.


    Your Resources

    We focus on discovery and planning, security and compliance, operating models, and the landing zone as we prepare for your migration.

    Migrate &

    We perform the workload and data migration with a focus on future operations and optimizations following predetermined key milestones.

    On top of following a proven methodology, we can also provide funding benefits in coordination with AWS, so there is very little (or no) investment required from you. We are proud to be migration recognized by AWS and able to provide these benefits. Contact us for more information.

    Public Sector Partner

    Recognition of specialized skills and experience in creating cloud-based solutions for government, space, education and non-profits around the world.


    A testament to the quality of our managed services. We are knowledgeable experts who can meet your unique needs and provide multiple AWS support models.


    Verifies our technical proficiency and customer success related to CI/CD, IaaS, microservices, monitoring, logging and building scalable and efficient solutions.

    AWS Lambda

    Expertise in developing serverless technologies for high-availability compute infrastructure to take full advantage of the AWS cloud and its services


    Niklas Palmqvist – Cofounder, Partner & CEO

    To start your Clod journey, contact Niklas at or +45 36 99 21 70.
    Niklas Palmqvist is Co-Founder of QloudX and a Digital Transformation expert. In his current role, and in his previous role as a global CIO, he has spearheaded a multitude of digital transformation initiatives for businesses around the globe and across industries. He has worked as an evangelist to promote and orchestrate Cloud culture and solutions across organizations. For more details, check his full bio.

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