QloudX Achieves the AWS DevOps Competency!

We have been a part of the Amazon Partner Network (APN) ecosystem since our founding in 2019 and we are proud to announce that we recently achieved the AWS DevOps Competency Status. This achievement recognizes our DevOps expertise and deep knowledge in helping organizations managing cloud applications drive high levels of availability in today’s agile, elastic and distributed environments.

What does it take to achieve competency status?

Being the market leader for cloud native development, AWS provides the tools and services that enable scalable, flexible and cost-effective solutions for start-ups as well as global enterprises. The AWS Competency Program allows customers to identify APN partners that possess deep industry knowledge and expertise.


AWS provides an expansive Validation Checklist and lays a solid foundation for what one should expect for the competency audit. Beyond being an Advanced or Premier APN Consulting Partner, one must also have plentiful employees with specific AWS certifications and have provided numerous customer success stories, amongst other factors.


Achieving the DevOps competency designation differentiates QloudX as an AWS Partner that has demonstrated the ability deliver solutions seamlessly on AWS. More specifically it verifies our technical proficiency and customer success related to CI/CD, IaaS, microservices, monitoring, logging and building scalable and efficient solutions.

AWS Advanced Consulting Partner
(Our Latest Bragging Rights)

What does this mean for you?

The designations and accolades that companies brag about often seem like nothing but marketing puffery and while that is true for some of them, receiving an AWS competency is a major milestone for any company.


With the DevOps competency in the bag, you can rest assured that QloudX DevOps solutions decrease delivery time and improve developer efficiency and productivity. This is achieved by automated infrastructure, product development and deployment, while serverless technologies help build and manage applications and workloads. Additionally, our solutions are AWS Well-Architected conformant ensuring security, cost management, and monitoring.


If you want to read more about the DevOps approach or want to know more about our solutions and services, please browse our website or get in contact with one of our partners.

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